What are Miracles from Heaven? Jennifer Garner stars in this movie about a child who is dying from a rare disease and is miraculously saved as a result of a freak accident. As a mom, it was difficult watching some of this movie, because I felt every emotion, as if that child was mine who was in so much pain and suffering. I felt the anguish of the mom not knowing how to save her own child. And then ultimately when there was nothing else left to do but pray, I dug into my own soul to see the depth of my own faith and belief in G-d. The movie was brilliant in reminding us that there are miracles everywhere. It reminds us that we are all connected. It reminds us that miracles could be as big as a cure for a very sick child to the miracle of a stranger being a secret angel in a time of need. This movie was real, it pulled at your heart strings and it reaffirms what I believe, there are G-dly messages everywhere, whether it be wisdom shared in a church or synagogue or going to a Moms event with Jennifer Garner. G-d talks to everyone in different ways, this time it’s through one of America’s biggest and brightest stars, Jennifer Garner. Miracles from Heaven are everywhere and it’s up to us to keep our hearts and eyes open to be witness to them. Thanks Moms for always having interesting and thought provoking events that make you ponder the meaning of life. Save 1 Person. Save The World one miracle at a time.
I worked at TV networks years ago, and I loved the glitz and glamour of it. What it lacked for me sometimes was meaning. I remember promoting Cindy Crawford’s latest look at the beach or Monica Lewinsky’s sexcapades and I would think is this all there really is in life? After I left the fast paced environment of the TV industry, I started a non profit called Save 1 Person. Although I love this work, and there’s nothing more fulfilling than to see your team, as part of the process to save a life, at times this work can be very heavy. Since I’ve been attending, The Moms events (Themoms.com) it’s been combining two worlds I love, one of intrigue and one of meaning. Since, I’ve been attending the Moms events it reminds me that there are many, many ways to save a life. Quite, often it’s sharing stories of hope, inspiration and courage from all walks of life. Everyone has a story that can touch, move and inspire others to carry on and fight the good fight despite the obstacles along the way. And we need desperately to hear these stories, to know we are not alone. And that others have persevered and others have created a path, and if they can overcome their challenges, we can too.

When I was eight or nine, my dad took me to see the movie “The Champ”. I remember my dad looked at me during the movie and said, “are you crying?”. I said dad don’t look at me, wiping away my tears when the champ was knocked out and killed in the final scene of the movie. To this day, whenever anyone asks me what is my favorite movie of all time, I answer, “The Champ”. I think that answer may change after watching “Little Boy”. During the movie, “Little Boy”, I was transported to a different place. What was so unique and transcendental about this movie, I keep asking myself, besides the fact that everyone was crying during the movie? What took you to a different place in this movie, wasn’t a great love story or a great drama. What left you speechless in this movie was the faith of an 8-year-old boy. You believed what the boy believed, you hoped what the boy hoped, you explored hope, faith, miracles and G-d through the eyes of an 8-year old boy.
This movie was a journey of your own soul, and what faith means to you. And this movie took you back to your own youth when you were eight and how you believed that anything is possible. And through the journey of this movie, we were all that 8-year-old child, believing anything is possible. After the movie there was a question and answer session with one of the film’s stars, Michael Rapaport. And my question to the actor was what would you tell a child is the message of the film. Here’s what Michael Rapaport had to say (please click on video above). Isn’t saving a life sometimes, just giving someone that belief anything is possible? This movie gave everyone in the theater that experience and that’s why there was not a dry eye in the theater.
Can a Glass Slipper Save a Life? Bonnie Gertz was sent on assignment for Save1person to find out how fairy tales could save lives? Here’s what she had to say after covering another magical Moms event hosted by Denise Albert and Melissa Gerstein, Oral B and Crest. .
Cinderella, who couldn’t fall in love with this tale? The characters are outstanding. As most of us know, Cinderella’s mother before she died, told her that the most important thing is life is to be honest and kind. Which are words we all should live by. The tale that we all grew up knowing did not disappoint in this latest version for many reasons from the enchanting characters, to the love story, to the hope that love always prevails. Regardless of all the beauty, the life lesson in this movie, to me, is in the end what’s most important is to be able to forgive. Even though the evil stepmother was horrid to Cinderella, Cinderalla was still able to move on and not to hold onto any anger (which of course is what made her step family so ugly). Not only is this movie entertaining and well done, it also reminds us of what is important in life: how to treat people, how to forgive and how to care for people. Crest and Oral B started the night off with the care of your mouth, how fittingly that we learn throughout the movie that words can build or words can destroy. Isn’t saving a life, making everyone feel he or she is the bell of the ball? Thanks Moms for another magical night.
The Moms had another great event, this time, it was the screening of a family film, Paddington. There was a question and answer before the film with one of the stars, the stunning Nicole Kidman.
Nicole Kidman
Last week, I went to the most meaningful and fun events, hosted by the moms.com. They had an event almost every day last week, lunching with Brooke Shields, to a film premiere coved by Bonnie Gertz to having breakfast with Broadway star, singer and actress Kristen Chenoweth. It was a fun filled week and every event was chock full of meaning, served with style in only the way themoms.com (Denise Albert and Melissa Musen Gerstein) can present.
The first event was with Brooke Shields. Brooke Shields just came out with a book about her relationship with her mom, “There Was a Little Girl, The Real Story of My Mother and Me“. What was clear from the chat between Brooke and the Moms was the devotion, loyalty and love, Brooke had and has for her mom. Brooke says her mom was an alcoholic, and was not always fully present because of her alcoholism. According to Brooke there was a lot of ups and downs and the adoration Brooke has for her mom, in my opinion is a testament, of a love that transcends this world despite the flaws of all people. I couldn’t help but think, the lesson to learn here and how it relates to saving a life, is no one will fight for you, like your blood and noone is perfect in this game of life.
People are not perfect, at the end of the day, we love them anyway, and Brooke is a shining example of that testament. Although her mom may have been demonized in the press at times, she certainly helped mold Brooke in the beautiful caring woman she is today. And the love between a mom and a daughter can be and is life – saving.
The second event last week, from the Moms was covered by Save1person.com correspondent, Bonnie Gertz and here is what she had to say….
The Theory of Everything is a film I really enjoyed. It shows the amazing will power of a human being. Yes, it is a love story. This film will really make you look at yourself and ask yourself if you could stretch yourself and give of yourself so much in the name of love The actors were wonderful and the performances will touch your heart. This is based on a true story, the story of astrophysicist Stephen Hawking and Jane Wilde. How does this story fit with Save1person.org? Well Stephen Hawking has ALS or in simple terms Lou Gehrig’s disease, where at this point in time there is no cure. He was given the diagnosis that he only had 2 years to live and that was in 1963. Stephen married Jane Wilde and was married to her for 25 years and they produced 3 children, even while he had ALS and he was losing the ability of the use of his body. Stephen is still alive in 2014. Stephen has been surprising the medical community even today. What is so intense about this disease is that your mind is fine but your body begins to deteriorate. So you are aware of everything but unable to do anything about it or even communicate. At Save1person,org we want to get the word out to the world that amazing things can happen. We need more research for this disease and more devices can be developed to help people that have this disease. I highly recommend this film and finding out more about ALS and what you can do to make a difference. Click here to make your difference today http://www.alsa.org/
The third event, hosted by Themoms.com was for a very talented and beautiful Kristin Chenoweth, singer, actress, Broadway star extrodanaire. Kristin was promoting a new album that just “dropped” COMING HOME. All the bloggers got her CD upon the completion of the chat with the Moms. I listened to her CD while working and the music was so beautiful, deep and moving. Hard to believe G-d gave one tiny person such power in her vocal chords. How does this relate to Save1person.org, I’m not sure it does, and sometimes we just have to stop and notice all the beauty around us. Rabbi Simon Jacobson says everyone has a musical note in the grand symphony of life. Without a doubt, Kristen was given many beautiful notes in this grand symphony. At Save1person.org quite often horrific situations, come across the desk, and it’s important in life, never to stop to notice the beauty that’s in this world. Physical beauty is always fleeting, and beauty from the soul is never ending. If a voice could save a life – Kristen would have that one hands down.
Then the most recent, life lesson learned via Themoms.com was a screening of the movie All Relative, starring Connie Nielsen. The premise is funny and entertaining but the meaning behind this movie is not. The movie is about an older woman who has a brief fling with a much younger man, who she later learns is her daughter’s boyfriend. In a very comical and entertaining way, you see the flaws of most of the characters, what brings them to make their hurtful mistakes, and how they work past their hurts and disappointments. What we learn through the course of this movie is sometimes when we feel stuck in life, and we can’t move forward with our loved ones, that’s when the life saving break throughs are on the way. If handled delicately relationshipcs can be built stronger than before. Saving a life, can sometimes mean being open, honest and vulnerable with the people we love most and what can be more life saving that that?
These events above may not save a life directly, and, if we look closely at the world around us we may open our eyes to ways that can save others in small and big ways alike that make a world of difference.