Roy Dahl is 61-years-old, a journalist from Canada and a man who wants his life back. In 2013/14, he visited the doctor to get to the bottom of his health concerns, . the test results showed that his kidneys were functioning at 35%. Later in 2014, Roy was about to finish his degree in History from Western University but couldn’t as he became too weak. And a further blood test confirmed that his kidney functions were deteriorating to only 11% function. Since then Dahl is on dialysis for 4-5 hours a day and three days a week. Initially he was told that it would take four years to get a kidney donor, after 7 years he’s still waiting. Dahl is in last stage kidney failure. He needs a kidney before it is too late. If you’re in good health and have a strong desire to save a life, please call to 780-407-8698, toll-free 1-866-253-6833 or email Help Dahl to get his life back. Save One Person. Save The World.