Pennsylvania resident Dennis Perry had a liver transplant 23 years ago. The survival rate of a liver transplant patient is typically about 18 years. Dennis has been living with his transplanted liver for 23 years due to his anti-rejection medication, the drugs that have made it possible for him to live this long. These anti-rejection medication is very hard on his kidneys and likely the reason his kidneys are now failing. Dennis is now searching for a living kidney donor who can help him live a long healthy life. If you have a desire to be an angel and save a life, if you are in good health with blood type O positive, please call UPMC Transplant Services at 412-647-4438 and tell them you’d like to become a donor for Dennis Perry. If you are not a match but willing to donate, still you can help Dennis by donating the kidney by being a swap-out donor. A swap-out donor is somebody who doesn’t match up with the patient but is still willing to donate. Share your spare with Dennis Perry and give him the gift of life. Spread the story to other angels for help. Save one person. Save the world.