Have a heart, Give Betty Jo a Kidney.
Betty Jo Millette is only 57 and lives in Alabama. Jody has cirrhosis of the liver that damaged her kidneys. Usually in such cases the kidneys recover but her kidneys did not. She is in the last stage of kidney disease and has been on dialysis 3-4 times a week for the last six years. Jody is in dire need of a kidney from a living kidney donor. Betty Jo is trying every possible way to reach people, she recently advertised on a billboard ” Have a heart, give me a kidney”. Recently widowed Jody Millette has a daughter. She wants to live to see her grandchildren grow up and to go back to the land of the living by doing things she enjoys If you’re in good health and have a strong desire to save a life, please visit: UAB Donor Form website or call 205-996-2048. Mention her Full Name: Betty Jo Millette and her date of Birth: September 19, 1965. Help Jody to get her life back. Save One Person. Save The World.