This is a Save 1 Person Alert
Save 1 Person. Save The World.
This courageous woman is looking for a medical miracle.
Anya Maciulewski, from Michigan has suffered from brain tumors starting at the age of 2, is a three
time cancer survivor and now needs a double lung transplant.
As a result of Anya’s chemotherapy and radiation treatments scarring occurred on her lungs.
Anya now has pulmonary fibrosis, acute respiratory distress syndrome and interstitial lung disease.
Anya’s only 27 year’s old and doctors say a double-lung transplant is critical to her survival.
Click here to help Anya breathe:
Or go to National Foundation for Transplants home page, type in under patients, Anya Maciulewski
and take action to save a life.
The purpose of this Save 1 Alert is to save Anya.