Yolunda Barquet



This is a Save 1 Person News Alert.

Save 1 Person. Save The World.


Yolanda Barquet from California suffers from pulmonary hypertension and a disorder causing too much iron to build up in her lungs. Problems with her health began when she was just 3 years old, and she began coughing up blood.


Yolanda needs a double lung transplant to stay alive.


The average double-lung transplant cost approximately $800,000. Even though her health insurance will cover the cost of the transplant itself, she’ll still face significant expenses for follow-up care and daily anti-rejection medications for the rest of her life.



Watch a brief news piece to learn more about Yolanda’s dire situation:



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  The purpose of this Save 1 Alert is to save Yolanda.

Save 1 Person. Save The World.