Tyler is a newlywed, in love, and planning a new life. Can love conquer this obstacle? With your help the impossible can turn into possible and Tyler can find his life saving living donor match.
30-years-old Tyler Cox from Ohio is suffering from Renal Agenesis. Renal Agenesis is a complete absence of one (unilateral) or both (bilateral) kidneys. Tyler Cox was born with a single kidney.
During a physical for a job, Cox learned about his kidney problem. Initial blood work pointed to cancer, for that reason he wasn’t hired. A subsequent exam ruled out cancer but revealed a kidney problem – Renal Agenesis. His only kidney is failing now. Tyler is starting dialysis five days a week. If you have a desire to be an angel and save a life, in good health, please visit osuwexmedlivingdonor.org for more information. Share your spare with Tyler Cox and give him the gift of life. Spread the story to other angels for help. Save one person. Save the world.