Save a life. Jenifer Servais from NY was diagnosed with CKD at age 16 with a fully atrophied, non-functioning left kidney and a partially atrophic right kidney. Although, the whole thing started around when she was 5 years old, Jenifer was at stage 3 CKD till 2008. Over the last two years, her remaining kidney function has gone into a downward spiral from stage 4 to stage 5. Jenifer is not on dialysis, but on the preemptive transplant because it costs less than dialysis, is better for cardiovascular health, and means a better quality of life. Jenifer needs a kidney from a living donor to live. If you have a desire to be an angel and would like to save a life, please contact Mayo Clinic at 866-227-1569 or email For more information, please visit Jenifer Servais Needs a Kidney | Can You Help?  Jennifer still has a lot to do in her lifetime.  Can you give Jenifer the gift of life? Your gift of a kidney will enable her to fulfill all her dreams and live a life with her family and friends. Please share your spare with Jenifer. Spread her story.