Susan Eshka is a 61-year-old resident of Santa Cruz, CaliforniaShe is involved in two local Chabad centers and is a former member of Shir Hadash in Los Gatos
This This suffering from Polycystic Kidney Disease. Polycystic Kidney Disease – an inherited condition that causes clusters of cysts to form on the kidney and over time, the kidney function slowly worsensSusan Eshkar is suffering from Polycystic Kidney Disease since 1994. Her kidney function has been deteriorating for a long period of time. To live a healthy life, Susan now needs a living kidney donor. Or she will have to go under prolonged dialysis treatment. Good news is, Eshkar can accept both A and O blood types. Those with different blood types still have an opportunity to help Eshkar by participating in a kidney exchange program, which places potential donors in a larger pool.  Do you have a desire to save a life? If you asnwered yes, contact Chaya at