Father John P. Mack is a Roman Catholic priest for the Diocese of Buffalo. He was diagnosed with non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver (Non-Alcoholic Steato Hepatitis or NASH) five years ago. It is a chronic condition that can be defined as the liver manifestation of a metabolic disorder. It is the most severe form of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). About a year ago, his body was pointing to eventual liver failure, began to emerge and converge. Four stays in South Buffalo’s Mercy Hospital beginning in November 2018 helped bring him back to a manageable level. This past October, upon the advice of the liver transplant specialists at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, N.Y., he was placed on the liver transplant list.
Father John P. Mack is looking for a liver donor. Would you be interested in being a living liver donor? Do you have blood type O+ or O-, between the ages of 18-55, in relatively good health with a body mass index (BMI) no higher than 30. If you have any significant medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer, or heart disease, or any serious diagnosed mental health issues you can not be a donor.
Do you have the desire to save a life? Maybe God gave us the opportunity, to give part of our organ to be angels to people who need it most. Livers are able to regenerate, so the liver donated will eventually grow back to full size in approximately 6-8 weeks…This is the biggest act of kindness a person can ever do…. If you would like to give the gift of life you can contact directly Jennie Errigo, RN, donor coordinator, at Strong Memorial Hospital at 585-275-5875. Mention you would like to test for John Mack, date of birth April 27, 1954.
To read more about Father Mack’s situation click here: https://www.liverformack.com/
Save One Person. Save The World. #DoingGodswork.