Every child needs his/her daddy. You might be able to ensure that a young boy gets to be with his daddy growing up. Phil Robinson, 38 from Ireland visited his local hospital for routine blood tests and he left shocked to learn he was in kidney failure. Phil was informed by the doctors that his kidneys are working at just under 13%. The dad-of-one now wants to raise awareness about ‘living organ donation’, something he didn’t know much about until he was faced with his battle. Phil has no signs but suffers from exhaustion. His son Lex, is only eight and Phil dreams of seeing his son grow up. If you’re in good health and have a strong desire to save a life, please visit www.donatelife.co.uk for all the relevant information. You can contact Phil’s group on helplexsdaddy@outlook.com or 07555318293. You can also email donatelife@belfasttrust.hscni.net or call (028) 9504 3872. Help Phil get his life back to see his son grow up. Save One Person. Save The World. IF YOU NEED A LIVING ORGAN DONOR OR WANT TO SEARCH FOR A LIFE TO SAVE PLEASE DOWNLOAD OUR SAVEONEPERSON APP ON OUR SHOP PAGE https://save-one-person.myshopify.com/collections/all/products/saveoneperson-app. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUT OF THE BOX WAYS TO SAVE A LIFE GO TO OUR SHOP PAGE. https://save-one-person.myshopify.com/collections/all?sort_by=manual