At Save One Person, our mission has always been to find creative ways to connect those in need with living organ donors. Our general approach uses existing media channels, including television, radio, and the internet, to highlight someone requiring an organ donation or bone marrow transplant. Not only does this put those in need in communication with potential donors, but our partner media organizations benefit from airing these human stories. Our approach has already saved countless lives, and our reach is rapidly growing.
Thanks to our Shop, Save One Person is able to bring our methods directly to anyone in need in a convenient and intuitive way. You can now directly purchase a TV Commercial to advertise the need for a living organ donation. In addition, you can purchase a billboard advertisement directly within the shop! Finally, you can take an old-fashioned approach, creating custom t-shirts and hoodies that call on someone to save a life. These creative ways to find a living organ donor demonstrate Save One Person’s commitment to our mission. We help those in need by thinking outside the box and challenge others to think about saving lives.
These shop purchases make a direct impact on someone’s life and expresses the mission of Save One Person. In addition to these services, our shop features numerous other ways to help our organization. Learn more about Save One Person and our creative and life-changing ways of finding a living organ donor by visiting our website.