hello. my name is rodenia singleton and i am a 34 year old young woman who lost her kidneys at the age of 20. i have been on dialysis for 13 years. it all started when i was pregnant with my twins. my blood pressure was out of control and the doctors could not get it under control. because of this, they had to deliver the babies two months early. after having the baby, my kidney function started to decline witch eventually caused me to have to go on dialysis. i have had numerous grafts and catheters placed. i have had 3 transplants of witch only the first one worked for almost 3 years and i thank God for those three years away from that machine.the second transplant failed because the blood vessels became detached and the third one rejected because i developed antibodies right after the transplant. i am currently back on the list but my doctor suggested that i try to get a living donar because that would be my best chance at a successful kidney. i have a sister that was going through the process of getting tested but was denied because 12 years ago when she was pregnant with her son, her pressure was elevated so she did not qualify. i am having problems keeping an access to dialyze through due to my extremely low blood pressure. my doctor said he is running out of solutions. this is really taking a toll on me. i try to remain positive but things just don’t seem to be getting any better. if you can help me in any way, for the sake of my family, i would greatly appreciate it. in the mean time, please keep me in your prayers.
sincerely, rodenia singleton