1010 Wins Radio in celebration of their 50th Anniversary, featured local heroes and I received a call to do a segment becasue of my work at Save1person.org. It was quite the honor, because sometimes I doubt the reason why I do this work and its progress at times. My dream is huge and that is to have Save 1 Person units in every media outlet across the globe, where a reporter at a station broadcasts the need of someone who needs a medical miracle and then their audiences respond to save a life. And every media outlet is branded Save 1 Person. Right now there’s one office, that’s me. Imagine if their were Save 1 Person offices all over the globe. That’s the dream to turn media into a life saving mechanism now and for generations to come. Below is the link to the sixty second 1010 Wins Radio segment. I can’t help to think that we are all heroes when we reach out to another to make a difference. Whether it’s a mommy staying up all night with her sick child, or holding that door open for the elderly woman and / or donating bone marrow or a kidney. When we take time out to make a difference in the life of someone else, lives change for the better and it causes infinite ripple effects unseen by the human eye.