I was contacted by Chris Debona (he said he originally designed it for 9/11 survivors) because he came across my website that I had tried to design myslef to ask for help through the difficult time I am going through. He lives in my area and urged me to register and submit my story to you in hopes that it would maybe help me (my own is not doing so well). I copied this right from my webpage and it is a shortened version of what I am going through so not to drone on or have people get “bored”. The website is called WWW.NatashasHelpingHands.com.
If you would like to look around that as well to get a little more insight you can. Although I don’t have everything listed in there such as the severity of my depression, anxiety, stomach ulcers, or the cervical cancer cells I have been fighting off since 2006 (but haven’t been able to follow up to check on that in over a year- due to my financial situation) because it is so personal and it was hard enough to open my life to strangers about the biggest problem I am facing now (cirrhosis, having a roof over my head, being able to see doctors, get the Rx’s I need to maintain basic living, under-going more tests for new things that may now exist or have all along etc..
Since I have written the letter below, I have had new developments which are noted on my site, I now may have a heart condition and am undergoing tests for that currently. I am not sure exactly how your organization works but Chris said that there was a great possibility that you may be able to help me. I am becoming more and more discouraged due to the lack of responses from my own creation and I have nowhere to turn. I am at the mercy/charity of other at this point and feel as though no one cares. I was thankful that Chris did come across it and responded to my site and is trying to help me.
I am so scared and see no end to the disaster I am in or a way out. So any assistance that you may bring would be greatly appreciated !! And not ever forgotten.. I could embellish more if you would like it is just hard for me emotionally.
From Website:
My name is Natasha, I live in the little city of Port St. Lucie, FL. I am in desperate need of help! In March of 2009, I was diagnosed with Liver Cirrhosis, as well as a birth defect (re-canalized umbilical vein). For those of you who do not know, Cirrhosis is a terminal illness without a transplant, and the liver is one of the rarest organs available for transplants. It is also changes ones life dramatically; limiting physical activities like walking, running, going to the beach that I used to enjoy for hours at a time. I can no longer go out for an occasional social drink (alcohol), my diet has dwindled down to card board (low sodium, low fat, no red meat, no canned items etc), I cannot eat in restaurants or have anything “pre-made”, it all has to be from scratch. It is a very depressing situation when at 25, I feel like the “black sheep” in that I physically cannot do the things mentioned above and no one really talks to me like before. If they do, I can’t participate in anything they want to do anyway. It’s like being stuck in a cage while watching everyone have fun and go do things while I have a couple toys to play with but only for a little while then it’s “back to bed“.
At the time I was hospitalized, I had been laid off for 6 months due to the weakening economy. I was admitted to the hospital for 2 weeks, and knocking at deaths door; according to the doctors and those around me. I have still been unable to hold a job due to my illness; I’ve had 3 jobs since my hospital stay lasting no more than 3 months. One was retail ( a lot of standing) which causes a huge amount of peritoneal fluid called ascites (around the abdomen) and edema (swelling in the extremities) so bad that my skin was stretched so tight I thought leaning the wrong way would tear my skin apart, it is an excruciating pain.
Keep in mind I have applied for Social Security Disability but have been denied. While scrambling to find a way to pay my bills and keep a roof over my head, I did not appeal the denial in the time allotted. Another year went by, and the lack of job openings made it very difficult to get a job that I could physically handle. So I lived off unemployment for almost 2 years with a few short lived in between jobs. In March of 2011, I applied for SSD again. Shortly after filing, I was hired to my last job which lasted approximately 2 1/2months. I missed a lot of time due to doctors appointments and not feeling well and ultimately lost that job as well. Around that time, I received my 2nd denial letter from SSD saying I was not eligible by their rules or however they stated it.
This is where I need help from anyone who can and will help. I no longer have any source income at all. I have nothing of value to sell or pawn. I have already done that. My monthly essential overheads do not exceed $1000.00 a month. If I don’t get some kind of help, I will lose everything with no place to go, not to mention my worsening medical conditions. The doctors and hospitals will have no way to contact me; no phone, no internet, or even a stable address. I am in the appeal process from SSD but that could take 2 years to determine. My friends and family do what they can when they can, but we are all on hard times and they have limited resources as well.
I am not trying to take the easy way out by collecting money from other hard working citizens. I have always been a hard worker and enjoyed it. Always on time and always ahead. Then I became terminally ill and can no longer perform the way I used to. As I mentioned above, I can no longer do the things I enjoy or things I have to do. I have tried to work but I just cannot physically or mentally handle it. Hence, that is why I had to apply for disability and go through that whole process. Please don’t think of me as a “mooch”. I have always been independent, but my disease has taken that away from me. It has taken a toll on my health. The harder I, try the worse it gets.
So I am begging and pleading for anyone to donate any amount, anytime, one or more times if you can and would like to. This is not a scam for money. This is my only option now. I tried/try local charities -either they do not have funds or I am not eligible for whatever reason. The only help I am receiving is from a privately funded organization, that normally helps retrain injured/disabled people go to school and find work. They take care of specific medical expenses (those directly related to the liver). They do not cover prescriptions or any other illness.
With Sincere thanks and gratitude,
Natasha J Lineman