HELP Heather!!! A 37-year-old mom of four young kids, including a BABY and the oldest is only 7-year’s-old from LOS ANGELES. Heather esperately needs a kidney! EMERGENCY! If you are blood type O, you can save her life! PLEASE contact the Kidney Matchmaker, (917) 627-8336. E-mail: The Kidney Matchmaker donated a kidney and felt it was easy and AWESOME. She is doing great still 16 years later! PLEASE help save this young mom’s life! Please contact Chaya. Only one blood test to see if you are a match! Heather has a catheter in her chest for dialysis! Please share this posting so her life can be saved! If you are not the right blood type, please still contact the kidney matchmaker as well as there is another option for her. Save One Person. Save The World.