Share Your Spare Kidney!
Help Save a Life! 61-year- old Harold Scott is a native Tennessean who has been suffering from CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) for the last 12 years. Recently, his kidney function fell to about 10 to 11% which led him to start dialysis. Harold is an Author of three books and loves Traveling to North Georgia Mountains and chasing waterfalls. There are still too many unseen waterfalls that he wants to chase and a lot of living to do. Only a kidney transplant will allow him to do that and so much more. If you are blood type ‘A’ and have a desire to be an angel and save a life, please call  Vanderbilt Kidney Transplant number at 615-936-0695, press option 2 or email him directly at scottharoldray@gmail.comShare your spare with Harold ScottSave One Person. Save The World.