48-years-old Christie Aarons lives in Massachusetts. Chrissy was diagnosed approximately 15 years ago with Polycystic Kidney Disease. PKD is a genetic, incurable, and degenerative disease in which cysts grow and take over the kidneys. Over time the cysts multiply in number and in size and cause loss of kidney function and eventually kidney failure. There is no way to remove the cysts or to stop the damage they cause. The only solution is kidney transplant or she has to be on dialysis for the rest of her life. If you have a desire to be an angel and save a life, please call 413-214-5444 or email christieaarons@gmail.com or visit www.mghlivingdonors.org, list Chrissy’s name as the intended recipient. Share your spare with Chrissy and give her the gift of life so she can be able to live a normal life with her husband and 17-year-old son. Spread the story to other angels. Save One Person. Save the World.