Looking for a Kidney on the Highway!
Elizabeth Houk Mullins is a Richmond, Indiana resident. Elizabeth is 55-years-old, a wife and a mother of an adult child. She was diagnosed with kidney failure in 2016. Since then for the last three and half years she has been on dialysis. Dialysis is not the cure, it only prolongs the time for the search for a transplant. Elizabeth suffers side effects from the dialysis which is no way to live. Her side effect vary from cramping, low blood pressure and fatigue. Several weeks ago her blood pressure dropped so low it caused her to fall. Now she desperately needs a kidney to live.
In November 2020, her wait for a kidney will be four years. Elizabeth is desperately seeking a donor to save her life. Her husband just invested in a billboard on a highway in the hopes of a miracle of a stranger seeing the billboard and giving the life-saving gift of a kidney. Elizabeth’s blood type is A negative and she can receive a kidney from A or O blood types.
Can you give Elizabeth her miracle? Maybe God gave us two kidneys, to give a spare…This is the biggest act of kindness a person can ever do…. If you would like to give the gift of life, please contact: 765-228-2327 or mail to ‘ Kidney4Elizabeth@gmail.com’ or go to www.Kidney4Elizabeth.com. Save One Person. Save The World. #DoingGodswork.