Save a Life! Kevin McDonough from the was a cable splicer by profession and later the project supervisor of a power company, it was a high stress occupation with high blood pressure and diabetes. As a result, he was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease almost seven years ago. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is when the kidneys have become damaged over time (for at least 3 months) and have a hard time doing all their important jobs. CKD also increases the risk of other health problems like heart disease and stroke. 68-years-old Kevin is a father of two daughters and a son. They have five grandchildren ranging in age from 2 to 18. Kevin McDonough has been on a deceased-donor list for several years, but a deep drop in his kidney function last October has now expanded his options to include living donors. If you have a desire to be an angel in good health with blood type ‘O’ and would like to save a life, please email or visit the Mass General Transplant Center online at for more information. Anyone considering being Kevin’s living kidney donor can sign up as a potential living donor, by going to the link. Even if a candidate who wants to donate a kidney to a specific person finds that it’s not possible, a “swap program” allows the donor to donate on behalf of the person they originally hoped to help, and the original would-be recipient is bumped to the top of the transplant list. Can you give Kevin the gift of life? Please share your spare with Kevin. Spread his story, Save One Person, Save The World.