Thomas Minardi is 59-year’s-old and a resident of Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. Minardi owns a bakery (Mama Minardi Cookies), married for 37 years and father of three. He is in end stage renal failure. Minardi was scheduled to receive a kidney and there was a tentative date for his surgery to have taken place right after Easter this year. However, his donor match decided not to go through with the surgery. He attributed the current Corona virus pandemic to have played a role in his prospective donor to back out. Thomas has been on dialysis for a long time, which has caused his kidney functions numbers to drop drastically. His kidneys are now working at 7% only. Minardi now requires eight hours of dialysis per night.
The family was happy that there was a match for him, but then the pandemic happened and the situation changed. They are now back at square one. Minardi desperately needs a kidney donor now. Can you give Minardi his miracle? He needs a kidney donor blood type A+. He can also take A or O for direct donation.
Are you his gift? Maybe God gave us two kidneys, to give a spare…This is the biggest act of kindness a person can ever do…. If you would like to give the gift of life, please contact: Sara-Marie Castellvi, RN at 973-322-2143. Save One Person. Save The World. #DoingGodswork.