1) Living kidney donor for Dr. Richman, via PIX news segment, by stranger in FL.
2) Woman from PIX segment donates kidney in altruistic chain – 8 lives are saved
3) Mystery illness girl receives life saving services via a PIX News picking up a Save 1 Alert
4) Save One Alert indirectly saves Torrey Green in Florida from NJ Resident Sara Nichols, PIX news
5) Thousands entered into bone marrow registry
6) Diagnosed a disease
7) Living kidney donor for John Schoeten of NJ from Tamy Brody of Arkansas via social media
8) Extended man’s life by one year after referring him to proper care from our viewers
9) Living kidney donor for Stuart Zimmer by Reginna Grebb in NYC accomplished via 1010 Wins
10) Sight seeing dog for a blind man
11) Donations for man with facial deformities for operation
12) Living kidney donor for Heshy Felig of CA from Marissa Hester in Alabama
13) Countless people go to blood drives for people who need blood transfusions
14) Living kidney donor found for 10-year-old in Israel from Tzivia in England
15) Kidney donors from Save One Person News Alerts entered into living donor chain programs
16) Hundreds of potential living kidney donors go on lists for patients in need
17) Assisted in living kidney donor match for Brooklyn father, Jerry Fox from Margery Lipenski
1) Good Day NY Covers Save 1 Alert to save mom of three:
2) Help Me Howard of WPIX in NY covers numerous Save One Person Alerts for living kidney donation, living liver donation and bone marrow donation.
Torrey Green from Florida recives gift of life from Sara from NJ
3) Fox 29 in Philadelphia picks up Save 1 Alert on 5-year-old Israeli boy who has rare cancer
4) Interview on NY1 News about Save 1 Person
5) Spots aired on CNN, NY1 News, Fox Cable News
6) Numerous Save One Person News Breaks highlighted on 1010 Wins (radio) which lead to saving lives
7) WNBC produces a news segment on living kidney donor match facilitated by Save One Person
8) WPIX covers story on Save 1 Person Founder – Unsung Hero
9) Matt Lauer covers story that brings national attention to liver donation, originated by Save 1 Person
10) Tens of millions of content emails to Joke-of the-Day subscribers which lead to saving lives
11) Various network affiliates across country agree to air Save 1 Person News Breaks
12) National Enquirer covers success stories of Save One Person. National Enquirer asks viewers to save lives.
13) Cosmo covers story on Founder of Save 1 Person
14) Jewish Week covers living kidney donor matches facilitated by Save One Person
15) Star Magazine highlights Save 1 Person news break, child in need of bone marrow
16) Radio Show, “WHAT’S IN YOUR HAND” WHCR 90.3 FM, Interview about Save 1 Person News Alerts
1) Dr. Ron Richman receives a living kidney donor after PIX11 picks up our Save One Alert
2) Bonnie Larossa after watching a Save One Alert on TV chooses to donate a kidney in a swap program, SAVES 8 LIVES.
3) Sara Toffoli donates a kidney after seeing a Save One Alert on TV
4) Father of girl with developmental challenges receives help after PIX11 picks up Save One Alert
5) Man dying of kidney disease saved by total stranger, National Enquirer covers the story
6) Israeli girl gets kidney as a result of 1010 Wins / CBS Radio picking up a Save One Alert. The miracle went from Brooklyn (where story originated) to England (where the person who read story on line decided to donate) to Israel (where the girl needed kidney).
7) Heshy Felig a religous man from LA received a living kidney donor from a devout catholic woman in Alabama after Marissa read about his plight in a Save One Alert.
8) Stuart Zimmer receives a living kidney donor after Reginna Grebb hears the Save One Alert on 1010 Wins News / CBS Radio