There’s so much suffering in the world. And what if just one special person can take away some of the pain for another human for some time. Courtney Lambert was diagnosed with with kidney disease when she was just two-year’s-old. At the age of 9, both her kidneys failed. She’s had two kidney transplants at ages 10 and 16. The second one lasted about six years and then she went back on dialysis. Courtney has been on dialysis since 2013. She gets dialysis three times a week for three hours. Courtney is now 31 and has been waiting for a new kidney for 9 years. If you have a desire to be an angel and save a life, please visit https://penntransplant.donorscreen.org/register/now list Courtney’s name as the intended recipient. Share your spare with Courtney Lambert and give her the gift of life to be able to live her a normal life even if it is for only few years. Spread the story to other angels for help. Save One Person. Save The World.