Save One Person Foundation Joins with BCM Industries to Expand Addressing Organ Transplants and Healing.
BCM is extremely pleased to be associated with Ms. Lauren Finkelstein, founder, “Save 1 Person” – Save the World. Established in 2002, Save 1 Person has been a true-life saver for many in need. It is committed to an important mission- to save or dramatically improve every person’s life who’s in need of a medical miracle. Medical miracles are commonly finding an organ donor or fund raising to support a needed organ transplant.
BCM has a similar mission- to save lives by delivering advanced regenerative skin, liver, lungs, kidneys and pancreas organ tissue replacements.
As a result of this new association, Ms. Finkelstein and the Save 1 Person Organization have been extremely helpful in delivering the BCM message of healing hope and the news that regenerative skin and organ tissue replacement healing solution will soon be available.
As an update, Ms. Finkelstein If is revising the existing website to be Save One Person. If you can in any way support this mission by donation of your time, skills or funds; or if you need please visit the Save 1 Person website: www.save1person.net/.
The To learn more about BCM and/or to sign up to participate in advanced organ tissue replacement healing trials, visit the BCM Industries and the Right To Heal Foundation websites. https://www.bcmindustries.com/ https://www.righttohealfoundation.com/
#saveoneperson #BCMindustries #saveoneperson #organtransplants #medicalmiracle #righttohealfoundation