Ever wonder what it takes to create a miracle? Miracles are not just for clergies, gurus, and angelic beings; miracles can be created by ordinary people like you and me. I share miracles I’ve witnessed through my nonprofit, Save One Person, where people who needed living organ donors and or medical miracles found their blessing through volunteers who wanted to save a life. In these pages are strategies, tools, and actions that people used to obtain their miracle and it’s a lot simpler than you may think. Also included in this book are teachings from some of the great masters of our time on how to make the impossible, possible.   ORDER YOUR BOOK HERE: https://www.amazon.com/How-Create-Miracle-Practical-Impossible/dp/B0DHLXRTPG/ref=sr_1_1?crid=34M8RA8R4D6KA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.kiuSz2kMWWEka7uR5rmLy4dZF7_zauaA91j9bRHMLniKQcySSPXSy8u-ZmgRsfePWDjujcdvBiphKuWz2-sI3ksN_CYAB5ik-i5_t6-BGhJPxyyl-XytI0sTw09L22TtDb2AAHE9m6L2Zv0SlxvlrUIfJb5R8ZHR-7YRNwfSK0pbfX_AkN0e-NUlg6x3CjYgKQj8lrwI_tEA7FOd-FUobG9tqe2uLOWbHD9_Z1yLuWE.xilMjxWj5DRUdHQY9wIBhQLo5Dvo74AQiOkEj-SWOzc&dib_tag=se&keywords=how+to+create+a+miracle&qid=1738182242&sprefix=%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-1